If you shop online, you could earn the club cash every time you make a purchase.

Its free to register and easy use.

Using this site won’t affect how much you spend.

  1. Go to the easyfundraising website (login or register)
  2. Make sure Yate & District Athletic club is who you are supporting https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/ydac/
  3. When you are ready to shop, select the retailers website you wish to make you purchase.
  4. Click the link that takes you to that retailers website.
  5. Shop as normal

The retailer you use will pay a percentage of your purchase amount to our fundraising total.  This WILL NOT affect how much you spend.

There are hundreds of popular retailers signed up, from Amazon to Zeek!

Watch our video for a step by step guide… and how to make us 25p with minimal effort