Below are the 5 most recent news headlines. Click an item to read.  Our “News” page hosts all older posts.

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We are urgently in need of an Officials Co-ordinator, as Andrew Moyes is stepping down after four years in the role. The main role of the officials co-ordinator is to allocate our officials to each league match that we attend, and to communicate with them and the team managers throughout the season. We have a great bunch of officials at Yate AC (although we could always do with more) who are ready and waiting to be organised this coming season!It is an administrative role – you do not have to be at every match. Without an officials co-ordinator – and therefore officials at matches – we cannot compete in the leagues – so this is now a very urgent request. If you would like to discuss this further please either chat to Andrew – / 07795 514413 or Jeremy Dale (Chair) / 07484 871937 ... See MoreSee Less
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Avon Athletic Association is pleased to announce entries are open for the hurdles event on 13th April and the main event on 11th May. and @bristolwestac @NorthSomersetAC @TeamBathAC @YateAC

The funeral for Tony Jefferies will be at 12:15 on Monday the 20th January.
Further details:

It’s our annual Awards Night today.
Please arrive 5pm for a 5:30pm start.
Due to the number of tickets sold, Presentations will be held in the MAB (Boxing Gym) behind the clubhouse.

We have secured some absolutely fantastic prizes for the raffle that will be taking place at our end of season celebration and awards evening on 8th December
Tickets are on sale in the club house or from Ali Gordon, Rachel Ramsey and Julie Filer.
£1 each - cash only.

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