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Huge congratulations to Team Avon who finished in fourth place at the Youth Development league NATIONAL FINAL at the start of the month. The final scores were: 1. Blackheath & Bromley 792, 2 Rugby & Northants 712, 3 City of York 652, 4 Team Avon 627, 5 Trafford AC 580, 6 Harrow & Dacorum 560.This was one of Team Avon's best performances in the National Final. The athletes won 60 medals (26 golds, 9 silver, and 25 bronze) and achieved many new personal best records on the day.Once again, Team Avon athletes showed we are the best team in the South-West of England and Wales for developing youth talent in athletics. Our athletes generated a terrific team spirit, worked tremendously hard for each other to gain their success and thoroughly enjoyed the experience.There were some outstanding performances across the three disciplines of running, throwing and jumping. Team managers, Lesley and Sandra said they are 'extremely proud of the way our athletes conducted themselves. They are a credit to themselves and our sport. The future of the athletics is safe in their hands!' ... See MoreSee Less
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