March 30th – Return to training
Junior Academy
The academy will restart on Tuesday from 6pm, with all sessions running as they did prior to this last lockdown with the same times, groups and coaches. Note that spaces need to be booked with Jeremy and paid monthly in advance.
If anyone has decided not to continue please let Jeremy know so their space can be allocated to someone else.
Club Training
Club training will commence again on Tuesday from 7pm (unless you hear differently from your coach). Please continue to pay at the end of the month for sessions attended – coaches will keep a record of attendance. Cost per session is £2 for Yate AC and Westbury members, £3 for everyone else.
We will endeavour to open the bar for takeaway drinks only, but will be relying on volunteers, so please bear with us (and let us know by reply if you are able to support in manning the bar). Please remember a face covering will need to be worn when entering the club house.
Covid Guidelines
Please remember to strictly adhere to all social distancing guidelines when training, remaining 2m apart and keeping your hands sanitised etc. This is for everyone’s safety, not least our hard-working coaches! Do not attend if you, or any members of your household, are experiencing Covid symptoms or are waiting for the results of a test. Please also do not attend if you have been asked to self-isolate by Test and Trace, PHE or by your school.
Individual training outside of club hours
YOSC will be available again for training outside of club hours. Please pre-book with Jeremy. Cost per session is £3 per hour.
Thank you to all those who have already renewed their membership – we will be renewing EA licenses from the 1st April so look out for emails from England Athletics in early April. Athletes do need to be registered to compete, and it looks like we will have a fairly full season again this year. You can renew your membership here . Just click on the big orange button and complete the online form. You will need to use the primary email linked to the athlete – if you’re having problems just reply to this mail.
There are a few people who have renewed on line, but haven’t actually paid fees yet – so please do check if you can’t remember paying.
Looking forward to seeing you all again!
Yate and District AC Committee