Track Busy this weekend
Just to confirm the track is booked on SATURDAY 21/04/18 by North Somerset so there is NO TRAINING for Yate and
District AC on Saturday 21/04/17 at all.
Next Wednesday evening the 25th April there is an open competition from 6.00 pm run jointly by YATE & District AC and Bristol and West AC so there will be no Yate AC academy sessions. We would, however, encourage you all to enter the event. There are quad kid events too, (75 m, 600 m long jump & vortex throw) so everyone should be able to give it a go. Don’t forget the team managers will be able to see the results which helps them in team selection, how will they be able to select you if they don’t know how well you do and what you like doing?
Please go to the front page of our web site, click on the entry details, its entry on the night, so just turn up, pay and compete! For some of you this may be your first taste of competition, so what better way to start at your own track, with all the friendly faces you know around to help!
Last bit of news. Don’t forget the entries for the Avon County Championships close on 5/05/18, last year we had a great Yate representation in the event so get those entries in!